Welcome to
Innovation BaseCamp

We Initiate
and Manage
Innovation Ecosystems

Who We Are

We believe innovation is key for future economic growth. Our innovative ecosystem model is based on creating a unique bridge connecting government, academia and private initiative in a beneficial and sustainable manner. BaseCamp's unique expertise enables us to initiate, establish, manage and connect players from different sectors and support the creation of an ecosystem greater than the sum of its parts .

Our Innovation Ecosystems

connecting different sectors


Leveraging the potential of local human capital by boosting opportunities and creating high-level tech training programs such as workshops, conferences, hackathons and other
tailor made events.


Academy represents high levels of innovation. Unlocking this innovative ״secret garden", combined with the academic institute's talent pool, can be a powerful tool to attract leading tech companies to the region and encourage economic growth.

Tech companies

We believe multinational and local technology companies, R&D centers and start-ups, should be the heart of the local ecosystem. Understanding their needs and "speaking" their language, will contribute to the Integration of this important piece of the ecosystem.


Government involvement and support are major factors in creating a successful ecosystem, rich with business and employment opportunities. Creating designated incentive tracks & tax exemptions can support in attracting leading tech companies as well as
other anchors.


BaseCamp's ecosystem model is targeted on extracting and leveraging the unique advantages and strengths embodied in the main partners of the ecosystem, to create a successful public-private partnership that will be the main engine boost to the
ecosystem's growth.

Israeli innovation

Israeli innovation is world-known for it's pioneering approach. BaseCamp's vast network of connections with innovative Israeli start-ups, high-tech companies, as well as with senior officials in the Israeli tech ecosystem, fulfills an important part in establishing ecosystems around the globe.

Case Study

Gav-Yam Negev Tech Park, Israel

Gav-Yam Negev Tech Park is based on a Public-Private Partnership between BGU (Ben-Gurion University), city of Beer-Sheva, Gav-Yam and Innovation BaseCamp.


Talented innovative employees


IT companies & startups


Annual direct income to the region

A New Silicon Valley In The Middle East: Be’er Sheva Rising

Global Activities

Innovation BaseCamp’s model can be adapted according to the uniqueness of each project, country and location.

Thessaloniki, Greece

Panama City, Panama

Santa Catarina, Brazil

Be'er-Sheva & Kfar Qasem, Israel

Our Team

MR. Zwebner is part of the founding group and private shareholder at the Private Public Partnership initiative of developing the Advanced Technologies Park in Beer Sheva, Israel. Mr. Zwebner is the founder and CEO of Innovation BaseCamp. Zwebner holds MBA degree from the Hebrew University.

Uzy Zwebner
Founder and CEO

Roy Zwebner, a Managing Partner at Innovation BaseCamp, is spearheading a joint project with BaseCamp – ThessINTEC to establish an innovation ecosystem in Thessaloniki. Roy boasts an extensive background as the former CEO of Gav-Yam Negev Advanced Technologies Park in Israel. He holds an MBA in Innovation & Entrepreneurship from Reichman University (IDC), as well as an LL.B in law and a B.A in Business Studies.

Roy Zwebner
Managing Partner

David Shemesh gathered 16 years of experience in manage and development, Consulting services for various companies, Among other things Shemesh deals in develop alternative energy solutions. David holds an MSc Degree in Electronical Engineer, Thesis in the field of medical bio optics treatments with lasers.

David Shemesh

Noya has extensive experience in the branding and design sectors. Noya has a background as a product designer and holds a B.A. in Psychology from Tel-Hai Academic College and completed her UX/UI studies at Netcraft Academy.

Noya Zwebner
UX/UI Designer

Offir is the Head of BaseCamp's innovation hubs. Offir has been working at Gav Yam Negev High Tech Park since 2016, and holds B.A in Psychology and Education from Ben gurion university and M.A in Learning Disabilities from Tel-Aviv University.

Offir Levin
Head of Innovation Centers

Mohamad Abo Nada, a seasoned entrepreneur and manager, brings over 25 years of experience in the high-tech industry. He holds both an MBA and an MSc in Information Systems Engineering. His diverse career encompasses founding startups, raising funds, executing business development strategies, overseeing sales and marketing, and mentoring aspiring entrepreneurs.

Mohamad Abo Nada
CEO, Ibtikar BaseCamp

Najwa has over ten years of experience in recruiting, diversity and inclusion, HR, management, and training. Najwa has gathered experience from both corporate and NGOs.

Najwa Athamnah
HR Manager, Ibtikar BaseCamp

Noa is the BaseCamp's innovation center manager at Gav Yam Negev High Tech Park in Beer-Sheva. Noa holds B.N nursing degree at Ben Gurion university.

Noa Sela
Innovation Center Manager, BaseCamp Beer-Sheva

Miri is the Executive Assistant
of the BaseCamp. Miri gathered 20 yers of experience in logistics and management and has been working with MR. Zwebner for the passed two decades.

Miri Ben Hayun
Executive Assistant


Our Team

Uzy Zwebner
Founder & President
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Roy Zwebner
Managing partner
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David Shemesh
Show Background
Noya Zwebner
UX/UI Designer
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Offir Levin
Head of Innovation Centers
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Mohamad Abo Nada
CEO, Ibtikar BaseCamp
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Najwa Athamnah
HR Manager, Ibtikar BaseCamp
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Noa Sela
Innovation Center Manager, BaseCamp Beer-Sheva
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Miri Ben Hayun
Executive Assistant
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Make it Happen

with Innovation BaseCamp

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Welcome to Innovation BaseCamp

We Believe in Partnership

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